Sophie's Blog

November 18, 2014
The rooms are having fun but they have yet to finish all their work. They better get going.

First up, is Miss. Walbridge's room, they just practiced  the opening ceremony for the Greek fest. They are making medals. I can't wait to see what they use them for. In a another group they are working on making signs for the the games that are going to be played.

Then, to Mrs. Santamore's class, they are working on getting to work. They have to get a lot of work done. Greek fest is only a day away.  Some are working on the trading in the agora. They are getting things done, but will they finish in time?

After that, to the math room, where they are working on getting their poster boards done. They are doing on all different math things. They are working hard to get the job done, but who knows what will happen. We have a day left to get lots of work done.

November 17, 2014
I can't wait to see the fashion show at the Greek fest on November 19 in the middle school gym. I hope to see you there.

First up is the fashion room. The men's gowns group was making a beard for the fashion show. They were very creative and made the beard out of yarn. After that, I go to the women's gowns group where they are sewing  a dress looks nice.

Then, to the cooking room, where they are memorizing their lines for the Greek fest. They are trying very hard but they can't see to get it. Their poster board looks very nice. Can't wait to see them at the Greek fest and how much work they put in.

Next to Mr. Bish's  room, one of the groups is doing a time line. It looks very nice but will they finish? I just hope that they do because they are working hard. The group tells me that they watched a video of brain surgery. I think that I would faint if I saw that.

See u tomorrow

November 14, 2014
Let me tell you that everyone is busy like bees for the Greek fest because it less than a week away

First up is Mrs. Zappia's room were they are still working there poster boards to display at the Greek fest for their tables. But even if they are have a good day they is sill  a lot of work to be done for the short time that we still have.

Next up is Miss. Walbridges room were they are calling the room the "crazy land". But they are working hard to stay on task. Some of the kids some games that they need for the Greek fest. When others are working on the opening of the Greek fest.

Mrs. Santamore's room is working getting vendors for the Angora. Calling different people to come. Then some are getting ready handouts for the Greek fest  they are being very productive in this process. they are working hard for this and I cant wait to see if they pull it off.

See you After the weekend

November 13, 2014
First is fashion, but first I will tell you that the Greek fest is a little less than a week away.

Now to the fashion room, where the jewelry group was playing a game called "heads up."  They are trying to get on track but it is a "on going process." Others are having fun doing hair and fitting models with dresses. Can't wait to see if they finish.

After that, we go to the cooingk room, where they are using white out to recreate the design for their poster boards. Then, there are people working on the different poster boards in the hall. They are being very productive. Can't wait to come back.

Next, is Mr. Bish's room, where they are working on surgical methods. It looks very cool. They are also having a meeting about what they need to work on and the 3 things that they need on the board. One of the coolers thing that they are talking about is astronomy and how it helps us today.

See u tomorrow.

November 12, 2014
Everyone is having fun and also very busy. Can't wait to see all the work!!

First, we go to Mrs.Zappia's room, where they are covering poster boards with all different colors of paper. Then there are people acting like the poster paper is a telescope. But other than that they are on track to the Greek fest.

After, there is Mrs. Walbridges  room, where they are all working on different things, but they are still getting work done. You can tell because they have a big display in the middle of the room that looks like so much work. Just a week ago they were deciding on  the display now. It is all done.

Then, to Mrs. Santamore's room, where they are working but it is not very much. They are constantly having to remind then to stay on track. This train is going on the wrong track. They are having fun but too much at times.

See you

November 7, 2014
Welcome it is so close to the Greek fest I can almost taste it liderly the first one is food

 Mrs. Anderson's Room they are sorting though recipes for the cook book. They all look yummy. It is making me hungry.

Next up is Mrs. Hughes room were they are making armor it looks very cool but it looks like a pain to wear. the room is filled with fashion. they are getting are ideas from on line. It all looks fun.

Mr.Bish's room is working very very hard. I see a big cyclopes that catches eyes very fast. I see cool poster boards that look so fine.I think that they just might pull it off.

November 6, 2014
The Greek fest is just around the corner stay tuned to see who finishes for the Greek fest   
first up is Mrs. Zappia's Room I come in to see every one on the right track the people are working there hardest to get there work done. But then there are people off task and also there are people being very rude.

Then, to Mrs. Santamore room were there are people are having a good time building a building that I was  unsure about because I did not want to bother them. There were other people working on the six simple machines.

Next, is the Mrs. Walbriges room. They are working on all different thing but what caught my eye was the big boxes staked on top of each other and was painted red, blue, and white. It also had the the rings in all different colors. It has lights to can't wait to see it lit up!!!!

See you later!!

November 5, 2014
Welcome to my blog. Today we are looking at 3 different classrooms. Enjoy!!

First to Mrs. Hughes room, where they are studying Greek fashion. They were working on looking at Greek gowns. Then, outside of her room they are working on posterboards for the Greek fest. Also designing different gowns.

Next, to Mr.Bish's, where they are working on there posterboards about different people. There was little talking. They were working very hard on everything. If you ask me they will finish for the Greek fest.

Mrs. Anderson's room, there are different people doing different things. There are people typing up some recipes in the computer lab, some are creating different recipes. They are doing cooking shows and also having fun doing it.

See who finishes for the Greek fest see you!!!!

November 4,2014
First, Mrs. Walbridges room, where they were deciding on what what colors the rings are. They were on the clock and 1st time they were on the clock they did not make it. Then the 2nd time they only got 1 min. That time they they made progress and decided on Mason's idea. Good job!!!

Then, to Mrs. Santamore's room, where they were working and also having a good time. Then there are people having a good time, but not getting their work done. Stay tuned to see if they get all there work done for the Greek fest.

Then to Mrs. Zappia's room, where if you peek it is not loud, but not silent. They're working hard on their displays for the Greek fest. Looks good.

See you Tomorrow!!!: )

October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!! In our school, there are different costumes everywhere :o!!!

First, to Mrs. Hughe's room, where they are in charge of the Greek fashion. There are people doing other people's hair. Others are being very rude to each other. There was one girl working on a poster that was nice, then a girl came up and said "that looks stupid." How harsh!!

Then, to Mr. Bish's room, which was silent because they were doing their intervention. It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Last but not least, was Mrs. Anderson's room, they are talking about their plans, recipes and cooking. Some of the students were in the computer lab looking up different things.

Hope you eat a lot of candy. I know I will. Bye.

October 30th, 2014

Hello. Today we are going to Mrs. Zappia's, Mrs.Santamore, and Mrs.Walbridge's.

 Mrs. Zappia's room is the math room. They are hard at work, buzzing like bees. Getting work done is a demand, not a question. I would go there forever, and just write mostly positive comments.

Then to Mrs.Santamore. They are the Agora. They are working VERY hard. I think everybody is on task, but then I see that a kid is off task, staring into space.

After, there was one room left, Mrs.Walbridge's room. They are deciding on Stone Chubb's set up. They worked as a team and decided together. That was impressive.

See you tomorrow!!!!!

October 29th, 2014

Welcome to Sophie's Blog today we are going  to be talking about all the different classes 

Mrs.Hughes room, which is fashion, seemed to be doing a lot of talking.  Most of it was about what they ate last night and which video games were the best. Some of the kids were on the computer finding things that the Greeks would wear a long time ago

Then to Mr.Bish's room, which is the science and medical contributions. There they were communicating about the what they were doing before they did it making sure it was alright. They are working very hard. It may be loud but they were on task.

In  Mrs.Anderson's room they were busy at work. They were seeing who would get assigned to different jobs. One job was writing a cookbook. That looked fun. Others were talking about what different things that the Greeks made. Can't wait to go back!

See you tomorrow!!  

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